Design Patterns for MOOCs

University of Surrey, Department of Technology Enhanced Learning small scale project funded under the University of London Centre for Distance Education’s Teaching and Research Awards scheme. March 2014 - December 2014.


The goals of the project are to explore, define and articulate the emerging design principles and patterns that underpin the development and delivery of massive open online courses, and to demonstrate them by the application to the design of new MOOCS. The context of the proposal is multidimensional in that it will incorporate input from diverse but complimentary perspectives that will include designers, deliverers, researchers, learners and tutors who are engaged in MOOCS and Open and Distance Learning more broadly.

The project is deploying the SNaP! (Scenarios, Narratives, and Patterns) methodology implemented in the form of Participatory Patterns Workshops (PPW). This will be extended to a hybrid format, where the face-to-face workshops which will be echoed by open online activities.

Mor, Y. (2013), SNaP! Re-using, sharing and communicating designs and design knowledge using Scenarios, Narratives and Patterns, in Rosemary Luckin; Peter Goodyear; Barbara Grabowski; Sadhana Puntambekar; Niall Winters & Joshua Underwood, ed., 'Handbook of Design in Educational Technology' , Routledge, , pp. 189-200


Google Plus page (workshop details, news...)